As long as I can remember, family members have always told me I should be writing a blog. I write songs, I wrote album and show reviews, I wrote biographies and press releases... but somehow the idea of a blog seemed foreign. Here we are 20 years later and blogs are apparently still a thing. Not only are blogs a valuable resource to get information and education to my clients and future clients, bringing them skincare, beauty, holistic nutrition, wellness, lifestyle and life balancing support, but... they can generate buzz, drive traffic, and add value and excitement to my business. Who knew? Looks like a win win here.
So here is my blog. I don't know how this is going to go, and Im new, so bare with me. But, Im excited to share with you, and Im glad you're here. Feel free to follow us on our social media accounts (facebook and instagram) to join the conversation! We do tons of giveaways, workshops, and events! Get involved!